نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP2203162947

پروژه پایتون (گرافیک پایتون و دیتابیس / ساختمان دادها)

در سراسر کشور
در وبسایت پارسکدرز  (2 روز پیش)
اطلاعات شغل:
امکان دورکاری و کار در منزل: دارد
نوع همکاری:  پروژه‌ای
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
پایتون (Python)
پردازش داده (Data Processing)
مهندسی نرم افزار (Software Engineering)
مهندسی برق (Electrical Engineering)
مهندسی مکانیک (Mechanical Engineering)
بازه حقوق:  از 300,000 تا 750,000 تومان
متن کامل آگهی:
رشته : کارشناسی کامپیوتردرس : ساختمان دادهادر حد معمولی در خواست داشتیم پروژه دارم به زبان پایتون با گرافیک پایتون و دیتابیس Data Structures Course Project: Simple Task ManagerOverviewThis project aims to blend theoretical knowledge of data structures with practical software development skills by creating a task management system akin to Jira. Students are tasked with designing and implementing their own data structures to handle different aspects of task management efficiently.FeaturesUser Management: Functions such as register, login, and manage user profiles.Task Management: Includes capabilities to create, update, delete, and search for tasks.Project Boards: Organize tasks within customizable projects and boards.Role-based Access Control: Implement different permissions based on user roles such as Admin, Manager, and User.Data StructuresStudents are required to implement the following data structures from scratch and integrate them into their application:Stack: Used for managing undo operations in task edits.Queue: Handle notifications and task processing queues.Linked List: Maintain dynamic lists of tasks and projects.Binary Tree: Enhance the efficiency of search operations.Hash Table: Used for fast mapping of user IDs to user details and task IDs to tasks.Technical RequirementsBackend: Students may choose any programming language (e.g., Python, Java, Node.js).Frontend: A graphical user interface (GUI) must be developed. Frameworks like React, Angular, or even simpler ones like Tkinter for Python can be used.Database: Students are free to choose any relational or NoSQL database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase).Getting StartedPrerequisitesInstall the chosen programming language and setup the selected database on your local machine.InstallationCreate an organization for your team in github.Create a repository in your organization and add at least one TAs to your repository.Start your project implemention and commit each changes in git. HINT: Your commits will be checked and has a part of your score.Project Structuresrc/: Contains all source files for backend and frontend implementations.db/: Database scripts, schemas, and connection configurations.docs/: Additional documentation and detailed project specifications.tests/: Test scripts for unit and integration testing.Evaluation CriteriaEffective implementation and use of the specified data with the database, programming language, and GUI choices.Functionality and usability of the GUI in task and user management.Code quality, documentation, and error handling.AppendixAdditional instructions on data structure applications and GUI development best practices will be provided in supplementary documents.

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گزارش مشکل آگهی
سه‌شنبه 12 تیر 1403، ساعت 20:25