نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP7299691069

استخدام SOC Senior Expert

استخدام SOC Senior Expert - تپسی | TAPSI
تپسی | TAPSI
در تهران
در وبسایت جابینجا  (7 روز پیش)
اطلاعات شغل:
نوع همکاری:  تمام‌وقت
مدرک تحصیلی مورد نیاز:  کارشناسی
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
پرداخت‌ها:  توافقی
متن کامل آگهی:

We at 'Tapsi' are seeking for an expert who can work full-time and collaborate face-to-face (in person) with teammates on various SOC tasks, including analysis and engineering. Analyzing, Investigating and Forensics ability is more priority for us.


Job Description:

Monitoring, reviewing, analyzing, and responding.

Updating and optimizing inputs, Playbooks, Use cases, Rules, TIs, and IOCs.

Maintenance and development of available systems.

Effective participation in threat hunting and digital forensics.


General Prerequires:

  • Creative and effective communication skills.
  • Ability to analyze, explain, and solve problems.
  • Proficiency in writing reports and documents.
  • Sense of responsibility and commitment to reporting.
  • Strong work ethic, with a willingness to learn and teach.

Specialized Prerequisites:

  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in a security operations center.
  • Experience of several effective presence in Incident or Forensics operations.

  • Thorough familiarity with SOC structure and general SOC and incident response processes.
  • Proficiency in at least one SIEM system for management and development.
  • Good understanding of vulnerabilities, attacks, and remediation strategies.
  • Familiarity with various types of network, Windows, and Linux operating system logs, as well as web and database services.
  • Knowledge of networking principles and familiarity with equipment and technologies such as firewalls, virtualization, and Docker.
  • Understanding of security solutions and mechanisms, including AVs, IDSs, and EDRs.
  • Familiarity with MITRE ATT&CK and OWASP.
  • Adequate proficiency in Python or PowerShell.
  • Competence in working with Linux.
  • Basic skills in penetration testing.

این آگهی از وبسایت جابینجا پیدا شده، با زدن دکمه‌ی تماس با کارفرما، به وبسایت جابینجا برین و از اون‌جا برای این شغل اقدام کنین.

توجه داشته باشید که دریافت هزینه از کارجو برای استخدام با هر عنوانی غیرقانونی است. در صورت مواجهه با موارد مشکوک،‌ با کلیک بر روی «گزارش مشکل آگهی» به ما در پیگیری تخلفات کمک کنید.
گزارش مشکل آگهی
تماس با کارفرما
این آگهی رو برای دیگران بفرست
نشان کن
گزارش مشکل آگهی
یک‌شنبه 10 تیر 1403، ساعت 19:48