نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP7594272177

Front-End) Senior Software Developer)

Front-End) Senior Software Developer) - دیجی فای
دیجی فای
در تهران
در وبسایت جاب آفر  (5 روز پیش)
اطلاعات شغل:
نوع همکاری:  تمام‌وقت
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
نیاز به سابقه:  حداقل 2 سال
متن کامل آگهی:
Who are we looking for? 

Digify is looking for a full-time Frontend Software Developer to join our team with experience working on web-based applications. You’ll focus on the development of the front-end web application, ensuring high quality, reusable, and maintainable code is written while following best coding practices.


Develop reusable, highly optimized, and testable modules and applications
Proactively collaborate with team members
Ability to work on the current code base, contribute to the current projects
Ability to integrate new features into current applications without affecting other aspects of the projects
Paying attention to details, considering rare cases/exceptions during development
Consider “Performance” as the highest priority during development
Collaborating NOT only with Frontend Engineers, but with the product managers, backend developers, and designers to provide the best User Experience.


3+ years experience as a Front-End Developer
Solid understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
Experience in CSS preprocessors (SASS)
Deep knowledge of React.js
Experience in React State Managements
Proficient in NextJS
Familiar with TypeScript
Experience in Material UI
Experience with popular React-focused libraries (e.g., Formik)
Good understanding of npm, web pack, and other build tools.
Experience with Git

Bonus points for:

Familiar with GraphQL (Apollo Server and Apollo Client)
Familiarity with Maps SDKs (Leaflet, Mapbox)
Experience in building tools (Rollup)
Experience in analytics, monitoring, and error tracking tools for a web application (Google Analytics, Sentry, etc)
Familiar with CI/CD tools (Docker)
Good understanding of SEO
Familiar with PWA and its concepts (Service workers)
Familiar with NodeJS (Express JS)
Experience with Agile methodology and willingness to work in a Scrum environment
Knowledge of computer science fundamentals (algorithms and data structures)
Experience in unit tests and integration tests (Jest, React Testing Library and Cypress)

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گزارش مشکل آگهی
جمعه 8 تیر 1403، ساعت 10:21