شرایط احراز:
Collection, review and analysis of industry and business data and review of the company's position
Analysis of current and past patterns of customer demand
Sales forecasting and analysis of sales goals realization
Analysis Business data such as budgets, sales results and forecasts
Estimating costs and identifying potential savings in different business areas
Analyzing marketing activities including promotions and discounts, campaigns and promotions and the impact of the planned programs
Needed skills:
Complete familiarity with sales planning methods
Ability to work with data and analyze them
Analytical thinking and problem solving ability
این آگهی از وبسایت ایران تلنت پیدا شده، با زدن دکمهی تماس با کارفرما، به وبسایت ایران تلنت برین و از اونجا برای این شغل اقدام کنین.