نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP7324631787

استخدام کارشناس ارشد فناوری اطلاعات(Senior IT Specialist)

استخدام کارشناس ارشد فناوری اطلاعات(Senior IT Specialist) - مشتریان مبتکران گلدیران | Mobtakeran Goldiran
مشتریان مبتکران گلدیران | Mobtakeran Goldiran
در تهران
در وبسایت جابینجا  (چهارشنبه 7 دی 1401)
اطلاعات شغل:
نوع همکاری:  تمام وقت
مدرک تحصیلی مورد نیاز:  کارشناسی
وضعیت نظام وظیفه:  کارت پایان خدمت یا معافیت
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
فناوری اطلاعات
پرداخت‌ها:  توافقی
متن کامل آگهی:
Mobtakeran Goldiran Engineering and Consulting Co., one of Goldman's Group subsidiaries, active in CAC- HVAC, is looking for a senior IT specialist with the following responsibilities:

The senior IT specialist’s responsibilities are to take care of maintenance and installations of services, provide training to new recruits, analyze existing processes, write reports, and support end-users, and IT projects. She/he should also be able to develop optimization strategies and provide excellent customer/client service. Be successful as a senior IT specialist to keep him/herself up to date on developments in relevant fields and have the ability to quickly diagnose tech-related problems. Also, she/he should be able to meet deadlines and be focused in stressful situations. Ensures the accomplishment of established objectives and goals for operations and/or programs, and makes sure to be compliant with company regulations and strategies.

● Maintaining computer networks and systems including software, mainframes, VPNs, routers, and other physical hardware.
● Installing and configuring network equipment to update or fix hardware or software issues.
● Monitoring computer systems to improve network performance for computer systems and networks and performing penetration testing if required.
● Managing phone systems and especially being familiar with IP telephony systems; being aware of cabling, toning, testing, phone system programming, acquiring new services, support of all existing services, and assessment of existing services.
● Managing overall network security, ensuring protection from viruses or other security threats, corrupt data, and maintaining system backups.
● Ensuring all installations, maintenance, and upgrades are carried out on schedule and to client specifications.
● Collaborating with other departments and professionals in the development of IT systems.
● Installing, configuring, testing, and troubleshooting new applications, systems, or other technology components.
● Providing technical support, troubleshooting problems, and resolving issues for all computer systems, applications, and networks, including hardware, operating systems, and software.


● Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, IT, or similar fields; an Associate’s degree may be acceptable.
● 3 to 5 years of experience in a similar role.
● Understanding of firewalls, proxies, router concepts, and configuration.
● Network+, MCSA, and Cisco certifications are preferred.
● Experience troubleshooting systems.
● Knowledge of SQL database maintenance, preferred.
● Ability to identify and mitigate network vulnerabilities.
● Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills.

این آگهی از وبسایت جابینجا پیدا شده، با زدن دکمه‌ی تماس با کارفرما، به وبسایت جابینجا برین و از اون‌جا برای این شغل اقدام کنین.

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جمعه 30 شهریور 1403، ساعت 22:50