نقش ها و مسئولیت ها
• رعایت نمایندگی اقتدار در روند اثبات خدمات تجاری به شرکت ارائه تعهدات به نمایندگی از آن. انواع توافق نامه های مبتنی بر سیاست های شرکت ، رویه ها و الزامات قانونی.
• تهیه اعلامیه های قراردادی یا نامه هایی برای مطرح کردن مطالبات ، مجازات ها ، خاتمه یا تجدید توافق نامه ها. بررسی کیفیت و کمیت خدمات ارائه شده/دریافت شده.
• تهیه گزارش های مدیریت ماهانه/هفتگی طبق نیاز.
- To adhere to the delegation of authority in the process of proving commercial services to the company giving commitments on behalf of it.
- To collaborate with the Legal Litigation team in representing the company before courts and other judicial and administrative authorities, if required.
- To negotiate and structure all types of agreements in close collaboration with the internal teams based on all related PPPs.
- To draft and review all types of agreements based on company policies, procedures, and legal requirements.
- To prepare addendum and/or amendments related to the previously drafted agreements based on the needs and requests received from the company.
- To prepare contractual notices or letters for raising claims, penalties, termination, or renewal of agreements.
- To act as negotiator in negotiation meetings for drafting the agreement or for settlement of possible disputes.
- To advise the company on various agreements/transactions with a variety of service providers/suppliers, contractors, and partners including claims and enforcing penalties, interpretation of contracts, investigation of quality and quantity of provided/received services.
- To prepare monthly/weekly management reports as required.
- To document and archive the contracts and related correspondences/transactions, and update information and the related reports.