انجام ارزیابی نیازها.
تهیه مواد آموزشی.
توسعه یک مجموعه از فروشندگان آموزش.
ارائه ، برنامه ریزی و اجرای جلسات آموزشی.
مدیریت روند پرداخت فروشندگان از انتخاب تا پرداخت نهایی. پرونده. اکسل و پاورپوینت.
دانش اساسی سیستم های مدیریت یادگیری.
- Conducting needs assessments.
- Developing training materials.
- Developing a pool of training vendors.
- Delivering, planning, and executing training sessions.
- Managing the payment process of the vendors from the selection to the final payment.
- Overseeing training budget versus actual spending.
- Evaluating training effectiveness.
- Forming, maintaining, and updating the training records of employees in the training file.
- Preparing and presenting relevant reports to human resources management.
- Supervising the performance of the “Idea” learning management system.
- Administrating the local Performance Management System.
- Monitoring and supervision of the good implementation of “Idea” LMS.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Team-oriented mindset.
- Intermediate English proficiency.
- Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint.
- Basic knowledge of learning management systems.