شرایط همکاری:
شرایط احراز:
Engineer and expert in elevator design
with experience in elevator work
proficient in lift designer
proficient in traction and hydraulic elevator standards
proficient in Katia and Solid design software
resumes must be appropriate and have conditions This is the job
Negotiable salary and benefits
Payment of salary completely on time
Insurance from the first day
Supplementary insurance
Job security until Retirement
Having a high diversity in serving food
Dynamic and active environment
Possibility of technical and work growth
Occasional gifts
Organizational loan
این آگهی از وبسایت ایران تلنت پیدا شده، با زدن دکمهی تماس با کارفرما، به وبسایت ایران تلنت برین و از اونجا برای این شغل اقدام کنین.