Business Data Analyst
تهران، تهران
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آگهی استخدام مورد نظر دیگر در سایت وجود ندارد، آگهی‌های استخدام مشابه در پایین آمده است.
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (چند ساعت پیش)
سفرهای علی بابا | Alibabagroup
 در تهران
We are looking for a Business Insight Analyst to join our Business Finance Team. -Learning data analysis tools, processes and developing business...
3 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (1 روز پیش)
من حقیقی | Mane Haghighi
 در تهران
Conduct exploratory data analysis to uncover insights and support business strategies. Collaborate with various teams to understand data needs and provide actionable...
Full Time
3 سال سابقه
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 روز پیش)
اسنپ باکس | Snappbox
 در تهران
Are you passionate about optimizing business operations and driving performance analytics? SnappBox is seeking an Operations Performance analyst to join our dynamic team. analysis...
مدرک کارشناسی

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jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 روز پیش)
اسنپ فود | Snappfood
 در تهران
to establish innovative tendencies and are eager to have you on our team to help us get through our business Develop models based on data analysis results. business...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 روز پیش)
پارس پک | ParsPack
 در تهران
Join our team as a Senior Data Analyst to translate ambiguous business problems into tangible requirements responsible for designing new metrics and enhancing existing...
امکان دورکاری
مدرک کارشناسی
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (3 روز پیش)
ایرانسل | Irancell
 در تهران
·To monitor customer data environment, keeping it safe from data leakage and granting other units ·To communicate business reporting and data mining needs with the...
3 سال سابقه
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 هفته پیش)
اسنپ باکس | Snappbox
 در تهران
SnappBox is seeking a Business Data Analyst to join our dynamic team. In this role, you'll develop and deploy dashboards, interpret key business data...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 هفته پیش)
اسنپ پی | Snapp Pay
 در تهران
Ensuring that the financial models evolve to business needs and changing requirements. Contribution to business planning and strategic initiatives. Driving self-serve and...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 هفته پیش)
نوبیتکس | Nobitex
 در تهران
Nobitex is looking for a Business Analyst to join our team. skills, the ability to communicate effectively with various stakeholders, and a deep understanding of business...
مدرک کارشناسی
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (1 هفته پیش)
ایرانسل | Irancell
 در تهران
initiatives To provide inputs to HR systems to enhance HR services in collaboration with HR systems Business Analyst To interact with HR systems vendors to ensure smooth and timely...
3 سال سابقه
تا 35 ساله
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 هفته پیش)
تپسی‌فود | TapsiFood
 در تهران
We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Data Analyst to join us. The Data Analyst will collect, analyze, and interpret data to help drive...
مدرک کارشناسی
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (1 هفته پیش)
ارزش آفرین اطلس | Arzesh Afarin Atlas
 در تهران
data, improve predictive models and provide data-driven solutions. will collaborate with various teams including finance, artificial intelligence, product design and...
3 سال سابقه
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (1 هفته پیش)
گروه اسنپ | Snapp Group
 در تهران
The mission of a Senior Data Analyst is to leverage data to optimize the pricing strategy of the , fair, and beneficial for all parties involved, ultimately leading to...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
اسنپ تریپ | Snapp Trip
 در تهران
To help carry us even further, we’re searching for an experienced data analyst to join our team. Ability to make sound business decisions by combining several factors to...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
یکتانت | Yektanet
 در تهران
Responsibilities: Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from Collaborate with other teams to prepare required data and analysis. At least 3 years of hands-on experience in...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
ارکید فارمد | Orchid Pharmed
 در تهران
Job Overview We are seeking a highly skilled and detail-oriented Data Analyst a data-driven culture. reports, set performance targets, and monitor these metrics to provide...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
تپسی‌فود | TapsiFood
 در تهران
We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Data Analyst to join us. The Data Analyst will collect, analyze, and interpret data to help drive...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
jobvision.irدر وبسایت جاب ویژن  (2 هفته پیش)
 در تهران - ساعی - توانیر
We're seeking a highly motivated Marketing Data Analyst to join our dynamic team. , and uncovering hidden patterns within our data. A deep understanding of marketing,...
تمام وقت
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
دیجی‌‌کالا | Digikala
 در تهران
s reporting capabilities and basic visualizations, ensuring accuracy, relevance, and alignment with business Troubleshoot and resolve data discrepancies and issues promptly. · ...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (2 هفته پیش)
آیرین | Ireen
 در تهران
Job Title: Data Analyst Location: Yousefabad, Tehran analyst at Axon, you’ll play a crucial role in turning raw data into actionable insights. • Data...
حقوق 30,000,000 تومان
تمام وقت
مشاهده نتایج بیشتر
سه‌شنبه 3 مهر 1403، ساعت 18:59