Operation & Performance Monitoring
تهران، تهران
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www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (2 روز پیش)
(صنايع آلومينيوم جنوب (سالکو | South Aluminum Corporation (SALCO)
 در تهران
obtaining a non-manufacturing permit from the Ministry of Industries regarding foreign orders issued; Monitoring In relation to how to purchase goods; Collecting purchasing resources during...
Full Time
3 سال سابقه
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (4 روز پیش)
توسعه فناوری سوشیانت | Soshyant
 در تهران
Identifying and responding to incidents, such as outages, performance degradation, or configuration Responding to alerts generated by monitoring systems or automated alerts from...
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (4 روز پیش)
توسعه فناوری سوشیانت | Soshyant
 در تهران
network devices, deploying storage solutions, and integrating various components to ensure seamless operation Maintenance and Monitoring: They continuously monitor the...
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www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (5 روز پیش)
پاکرخ | Pakrokh
 در تهران
infrastructure, The role requires a blend of technical expertise and leadership skills to ensure optimal network performance of network engineers, and service desk, coordinating with other...
Full Time
5 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (5 روز پیش)
نستله ایران | Nestle Iran
 در تهران
manager is responsible for selecting, developing, and evaluating personnel to ensure the efficient operation Accountable for the overall performance and results of the local WPS...
Full Time
5 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (5 روز پیش)
هولدینگ حمل و نقل بین المللی ادمیرال | ADM Logistics Group
 در تهران
Oversee the operation and security of Domain Controllers to ensure optimal performance. Monitor and maintain system health, including performance tuning and capacity...
Full Time
3 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (6 روز پیش)
گروه اسنپ | Snapp Group
 در تهران
We are looking for a Senior Operation Performance and Analytics Specialist to join our dynamic team ● Prepare and present performance reports to senior management. ●...
3 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (6 روز پیش)
پاکرخ | Pakrokh
 در تهران
, The role requires a blend of technical expertise and leadership skills to ensure optimal network performance team of network engineers , Service desk , coordinating with other departments,...
Full Time
5 سال سابقه
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (3 هفته پیش)
ایما | Ima
 در تهران
closely with various teams to support and troubleshoot infrastructure-related issues, ensuring seamless operation Implement best practices for scaling and performance optimization....
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (3 هفته پیش)
علی‌بابا | Alibaba Group
 در تهران
proactively generate tasks based on maintenance best practices to ensure the reliable and efficient operation configure, maintain, and optimize server, storage, datacenter equipment, and...
تمام وقت
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (3 هفته پیش)
نقش اول کیفیت | Naghsh Aval Keyfiat
 در تهران
Job Description: Monitor continuously 24/7 the status, performance Ensure escalation to the Network operation management in case the alarm is not cleared within Report and...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (پنج‌شنبه 1 شهریور 1403)
زرین رویا | Zarrin Roya
 در تهران
- Ensuring the accuracy of the service performance (End to End). - Monitoring the implementation, checking and ensuring the implementation of ITIL processes in - Monitoring...
Full Time
10 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (دوشنبه 29 مرداد 1403)
همراه اول | Hamrahe Aval
 در تهران
Key job duties: The employee of this job is responsible for monitoring the maintenance The ultimate goal of this job is to adapt the operation of the second line of switch network...
Full Time
1 سال سابقه
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (یک‌شنبه 28 مرداد 1403)
محک | Mahak
 در تهران
Monitoring the performance of software support companies 6. Providing advice to various organizational units for the maintenance and proper operation of the system Report...
امکان دورکاری
Full Time
1 سال سابقه
jobvision.irدر وبسایت جاب ویژن  (یک‌شنبه 14 مرداد 1403)
 در تهران - ساعی - توانیر
Monitor system performance and reliability using Grafana and Prometheus, and implement necessary Collaborate with development teams to ensure smooth deployment and operation of...
تمام وقت
مدرک کارشناسی

در هیچ سایتی، آگهی فعال دیگه‌ای با این جستجو وجود نداره.

اگه آگهی جدید پیدا شد؛

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آگهی‌های بعدی منقضی شده است:
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (5 روز پیش)

رئیس فناوری اطلاعات | Head of Information Technology Support

(منقضی شده)
گلدیران | Goldiran
 در تهران
Experience working with monitoring systems and log analysis. Ensure server room operation, systems health, and performance.
Full Time
5 سال سابقه
از 25 تا 42 ساله
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (4 هفته پیش)

استخدام TechOps Specialist (Technical Operations)

(منقضی شده)
دیجی‌پی | Digipay
 در تهران
Define and deploy pre-requisites tools, infrastructures, processes and etc. to improve all operation Experience in documenting processes and monitoring performance metrics....
مدرک کارشناسی
www.irantalent.comدر وبسایت ایران تلنت  (4 هفته پیش)

رئیس پشتیبانی فناوری اطلاعات | Head of Information Technology Support

(منقضی شده)
گلدیران | Goldiran
 در تهران
Ensure server room operation, systems health, and performance. Experience working with monitoring systems and log analysis.
5 سال سابقه
jobvision.irدر وبسایت جاب ویژن  (4 هفته پیش)

IT Manager

(منقضی شده)
Snapp, SnappFood, SnappBox, SnappTrip, Snapp q,
 در تهران - زعفرانیه
As an IT Manager, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation Administration of monitoring and ticketing systems (Atlassian Jira, Zabbix, etc.). :...
امکان دورکاری
jobinja.irدر وبسایت جابینجا  (چهارشنبه 7 شهریور 1403)

استخدام Telecommunication Engineer

(منقضی شده)
نقش اول کیفیت | Naghsh Aval Keyfiat
 در تهران
Job Description: Monitor continuously 24/7 the status, performance Ensure escalation to the Network operation management in case the alarm is not cleared within Report and address...
مدرک کارشناسی
شنبه 7 مهر 1403، ساعت 22:06