نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP6245640813

نرم افزار موبایل با React Native

در فارس
در وبسایت کارلنسر  (2 هفته پیش)
اطلاعات شغل:
امکان دورکاری و کار در منزل: دارد
نوع همکاری:  پروژه‌ای
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
برنامه نویسی
react native
rest api
طراحی اپلیکیشن موبایل
restful api
ساخت اپلیکیشن
نرم افزار
بازه حقوق:  از 2,000,000 تا 5,000,000 تومان
نحوه پرداخت:  پروژه‌ای
متن کامل آگهی:
با درود یک نرم افزار موبایل میخواستم برای درس دانشگاهم طراحی بشه. با React Native و Rest APIs یکی از نرم افزار های زیر: A note taking application A budget manager Task manager with calendar Time tracking Integration and automation (e.g., social media manager, IFTTT integrations) Health and fitness tracker Meditation and mindfulness Pet and animal care Functional requirements We are intentionally giving you the freedom to choose the features of your application, however, there are some requirements you must address: API requirements Your API is to provide a method for your users to authenticate and to exchange data between the mobile application and server. Your mobile application should not make requests to third-party APIs. It should only request data from your API. When needing data from a third-party API, your server must act as an intermediate agent that requests, processes and responds. In the previous assignment, you worked only with third-party APIs and you probably only used the HTTP method GET. In this assignment, you must demonstrate use of GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The underlying database for your API must be MySQL. If you wish to use a different database engine, first seek approval from the unit coordinator. Mobile client requirements You should choose suitable interface elements to display and interact with. The overall design of the application is up to you, as long as the views are consistent, clean and modern looking. Other than the views that display the core functionality of your application, there must be at least four others: 1. A splash screen o The default view when first launching the application. o Includes a logo image and/or some text. o Expo Docs: Expo SplashScreenLinks to an external site. 2. Login/sign-up o To enable authentication. o Username and password are enough. Passwords must be encrypted in the database. 3. About o A view that describes the application. o A list of open source licences (see npm-license-crawlerLinks to an external site.). 4. Settings o The user must be able to choose some accessibility settings (e.g., font size). o These settings must persist between application launches. Technical requirements Technical Requirement Details Programming language JavaScript (ES6 or higher) Libraries and frameworks React Native, Expo, jode.js, Express, third-party components of your choice Devices for testing Mobile phone or emulator • Write modern JavaScript (ES6 or higher) • Use asynchronous programming • Design user interface including the layout, colours, fonts etc • Retrieve data from your server via a REST API • You must demonstrate using each of the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). • When needed third-party APIs are leveraged, your API must act as an intermediate agent to them (i.e., a proxy API). • Use Create Expo App (create-expo-app) to create the initial project structure. You can add more folders as needed. • To the best extent possible, use React functional components, not class components. • Use props to pass data between components. • Use hooks and persistant storage for state and effect management. • Use appropriate component styling. You should avoid inline styling. Development requirements Development tools and workflow Before beginning development of your application, you should choose a set of tools that will support you. For example, VS Code, git, and a mobile device (physical or emulated). You should tell us in the demonstration video which tools you used to build your application, and how you used them. در خصوص ورژن کنترل شما توی گیت داشته باشیدش به صورت پرایوت و ورژن کنترل رو انجام بدید من همه ورژن هارو یکی یکی کپی میکنم توی گیت خودم. Version control You may choose to have a monolithic codebase for both the mobile application and server, or you may split them into their own repositories. Regardless, you need to be version controlling your codebase(s) with git. We will be looking for you showing us this in your demonstration video. Be mindful that your remote repository needs to be private, so that no one else can discover your solution to this assignment. Be sure to commit often and provide meaningful commit messages. The use of branches is ideal. You need to include a .gitignore file. Do not version control any secrets. Be sure to include a license. توضیحات کامل داخل فایل ضمیمه

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دوشنبه 14 خرداد 1403، ساعت 01:47